Good mother qualities - Oxford's Rocksfordz

Good Mother Qualities: Nurturing with Love and Care!

Essential Good Mother Qualities: Love and Unwavering Strength in Action!

Managing time as a mother between taking care of your child and other professional and personal goals can be difficult. Statistics prove that 40% of mothers claim that having children hurts their careers.

But the truth is preschoolers need their mother’s time, love, and undivided attention. And as the most important influence in their life, they need to give them that.

It is often seen that children who have loving parents are more confident about themselves and grow up to have higher self-esteem. If you wish the same for your kids, then do not bargain in showering your love on them.

Table of Contents

7 Ways A Good Mother Makes Her Child Feel Loved

Here are 7 ways in which you can make your child feel valued and loved.

Good mother quality - Oxford's Rocksfordz

1. Listen When They Speak

Research shows that 23% of mothers get only 3 to 4 hours of daily sleep. Despite this, making sure your kid knows that you value their thoughts and suggestions is a crucial part of being a good mother.

Put away the electronics while listening to what your children have to say. Speak to them, elicit their comments on numerous topics relevant to the real world, and show them that their opinions matter to you.

2. Show Your Love

Show Your Love - Oxford's Rocksfordz

Secretly loving your kids is not enough. As a good mother, you also need to show through your words and actions that they are loved and appreciated.

Hugs and kisses are among the best methods to reassure your youngsters that you adore them. Give them a hug or a kiss to make them feel cherished when they help you set the dinner table or put the toys away.

3. Praise And Reward Them

Every preschooler seeks validation and getting it from their mother is all the reward they need. Let your kids know that you are proud of their achievements and attempts. 

Baking a cake, preparing their favorite meal, or taking them to an amusement park on a weekend are some ways a good mother can use to reward her kids for their efforts.  

4. Ask For Their Opinion

Ask For Their Opinion - Oxford's Rocksfordz

Whether it is about choosing the color you wish to paint your drawing room with or deciding where to take a vacation, a good mother must consider her kid’s opinions and make them feel involved.

This practice helps the preschoolers understand that they also have a vote in family matters. Thus, strengthening their sense of security and belonging. 

5. Surprise Them With Random Outings

We understand that to be a good mother, you need to be strict with your kids when it comes to their studies and personal development. However, outings are both fun and crucial.

They help your family spend more time together and encourage your kids to learn outside of the classroom. Visit a local monument, museum, or library and talk about your experience there with your kids. 

6. Keep Your Promises

Kids are sensitive creatures. They notice and remember every action, word, or promise directed to them. And finding contradictions in these might leave them hurt and dejected. 

As a good mother, you must make sure that you fulfill all the promises made to your kids, even if it is as small as getting them ice cream on Sunday. 

7. Have Bedtime Rituals

Have Bedtime Rituals - Oxford's Rocksfordz

Bedtime is an intimate space that you can use to nurture and strengthen your bond with your kids. It is the perfect time to relax and connect as you get ready for bed.

You can read your kid’s favorite novel as you cuddle, recite your made-up stories to them, or ask them to share events from that day which they are grateful for. 

By embodying these good mother qualities, you’re not only nurturing your child’s growth but also practicing positive parenting. Creating a positive and supportive environment helps foster a strong mother-child bond, allowing your little one to thrive and develop with confidence.

9 Practises That Will Make You A Good Mother

Good Mother - Oxford's Rocksfordz

Motherhood comes with a lot of pressure from society to meet their expectation of being a good mother. As deduced by the UT Southwestern Medical Center, 50 to 80 percent mothers experience ‘mommy brain,’ comprising mental bloopers and brain fog. 

But guess what, adhering to societal norms will only leave you disappointed. Everyone has their own journey, and you too are going to learn from your mistakes and experiences. So, shut out the voices of the world and do what works best for you.

Here we have curated a list of practices that will guide you through your path to becoming a good mother.

1. Spend Quality Time With Your Kids

Time nurtures relationships and helps them become successful. As a good mother, you must take time to talk to your kids, engage them in cooking activities, or go for an evening walk with them.

If you have more than one child, try to spend time with each of them separately rather than as a group.

2. Accept If You Are Wrong

Accept If You Are Wrong - Oxford's Rocksfordz

Managing motherhood and your personal life can get overwhelming at times. In such cases, your actions or words might be impulsive and inappropriate to utter in front of children.

As a good mother, you must apologize and own up to your mistakes. This will demonstrate to your children that you respect and value them as individuals. 

3. Practice What You Preach

Preschoolers are often found to imitate the behavior of their parents. To raise well-mannered and patient kids, you must practice these attributes yourself.

Show your children what it means to be a good partner or friend by practicing active listening, compromising, and sharing with others.

4. Set Boundaries

A good mother must clearly state the rules and guidelines she wants her kids to respect. 

Based on your child’s age, have a family gathering to discuss the rules and make sure everyone is aware of the repercussions if they do not follow them.

5. Never Hurt Your Child

Never Hurt Your Child - Oxford's Rocksfordz

Child Protection Resources state that 70.6% mothers participate in child abuse and hurt their kids.

Preschoolers often make mistakes. But beating them for the same or hurling abuses is no solution to the problem. In fact, it is disrespectful, and might physically and mentally hurt your child.

As a good mother, you must talk to your kids and make them realize their mistakes, instead of abusing them. 

6. Shower Love And Affection

Shower a lot of love on your kids by giving out kisses, hugs, and compliments. Your youngsters are reminded of your unwavering love when they receive affection.

Also, this leads to improved academic achievement, fewer behavioral issues, higher self-esteem, and an all-around healthier bond between you and your kid.

7. Let Your Children Make Mistakes

Keeping your child in the protective bubble of your home might restrict their growth and experiences.

As a good mother, you must let your kids make their choices, to fall and rise on their own. But, in this process, your support and guidance should be forever available to them. 

8. Always Be There For Your Kids

Always Be There For Your Kids - Oxford's Rocksfordz

To make your kids feel valuable, validate their choices. Nurturing your child’s interests can help them feel more confident in their skills, even if it is not precisely what you would select for yourself.

Also, be ready to frequently change your attention because their interests are often likely to fluctuate. 

9. Take Time For Yourself

Moms who give time to their work or engage in self care are often found to feel guilty about not spending enough time with their kids. 

But, to successfully perform the above-mentioned practices for being a good mother, you need to be in a stable mental and physical state. For this, taking time for yourself is crucial.

Further, this helps preschoolers learn the value of self-care and stress management. 

As you navigate these good mother qualities, you’ll find that they align seamlessly with key principles of child psychology, shaping a nurturing environment that supports your child’s emotional well-being and cognitive development.

8 Qualities That You Must Possess For Being A Good Mother

Do you find yourself doubting whether you are a good mother or not? If yes, don’t feel guilty about it. It’s normal to feel this way.

Motherhood is a journey in which some traits come naturally to us, while others are acquired with experience and time. In such a case, being too hard on yourself won’t help. Instead, focus on developing traits that will help you create healthy relationships with your kids.

To assist you in the process, here is a list of good qualities that you must work on inculcating if you wish to be a good mother. 

1. An Abode Of Love

Love is crucial to make your kid grow into a healthy, optimistic adult. And when a child doesn’t receive it at home, he seeks love outside which at times becomes harmful to his character and overall growth. 

For this reason, a good mother should be an abode of love, always showering hugs, kisses, and appreciation on her kids.

2. Soulful Communicator

Soulful Communicator - Oxford's Rocksfordz

Even if it is difficult, a good mother clearly communicates the boundaries and behavior she wants her kids to respect. This helps them understand her expectations and the repercussions that might follow if they disobey.

Such direct conversation nurtures a strong and healthy mother-child relationship where each one feels comfortable raising their concerns.

3. Practice Patience

Research shows that 77% of women encounter a lot of pressure and anxiety to be an involved parent. Raising a child is a sensitive process and you cannot let your impulsive emotions of anger or frustration impact your responses to your child.

As a good mother, you have to be patient, despite the sleepless nights and no personal time, while dealing with your kids. You must also learn to tailor your reactions to the circumstances at hand.

4. Someone You Can Trust

A good mother as someone whom you can trust - Oxford's Rocksfordz

There is no better or more secure place than a mother for kids to open their hearts to. 

To ensure this, a good mother creates a welcoming and empathetic environment in her home that builds trust in her kids and lets them share their secrets and mischiefs without hesitation. 

5. An Inspiration

A mother is the first person that a preschooler looks up to for support and motivation. Given this, you must ensure that your actions are inspirational and nudge your kids to work harder. 

Further, a good mother must help her kids identify the objectives they should set in order to advance toward their goals. 

6. A Problem Solver

A Problem Solver - Oxford's Rocksfordz

Statistics show that 86% of women experience frequent burnouts during their motherhood journey. In such a case, being a problem solver for your kids can be challenging. 

However, as a good mother, you must be your child’s go-to person, with answers and solutions to all their problems. Instead of chastising your kids in a troublesome situation, make them politely understand the difference between right and wrong.

7. Spreads Positivity

A good mother is responsible for inculcating positivity in a child’s life that shapes his future growth and overall development. 

Anytime your child commits a mistake, positive reinforcement is the best course of action to take. Instead of criticizing what they did, concentrate on what they must do to correct their mistakes going forward. This aids in restraining their conduct.

8. A Support System

A Support System - Oxford's Rocksfordz

As a mother, you should be your child’s shoulder to lean on, whenever they feel low, dejected, or confused. You must provide reassurance and guidance to your kids which would help them make the right decisions in life. 

Further, a good mother must respect their passions and interests, instead of imposing her own dreams and likings on them. 

As you embrace these good mother qualities, you’re laying the foundation for a nurturing childhood that fosters emotional well-being, resilience, and positive growth in your child.


As a mother, you have a life in your hand, and you cannot afford to take risks. So, keep these pointers in your mind and ask yourself what you think being a good mother means. I am sure you will get the response you seek.

Showing love helps in building a successful relationship. It becomes even more important for a mother-child bond as it contributes to your kid’s overall development and growth. To be a good mother, make your kids feel loved through your actions as much as you do in your thoughts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Being a home for your children and giving them an incomparable sense of comfort, irrespective of their age is what being a mother means. 

Love, compassion, care, and patience are some of the most desired qualities of a mother. 

Yes, to successfully perform your duties as a mother, it is crucial to give yourself the ‘me time’ you truly deserve.

Yes, it is often seen that children who have loving parents are more confident about themselves and grow up to be more successful.

Making your child seen by listening to their problems, letting them speak, and respecting their opinions works best. 

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